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PRM2001: Printmaking: Etching, Relief Printing And The Artist Book

Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture

Printmaking: Etching, Relief Printing And The Artist Book

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


This studio-based unit explores printmaking methods including intaglio, relief and planographic processes, and considers the printed artwork in the context of contemporary cultural production. The unit presents projects that include etching and relief printmaking utilising analogue and digital production of image and text to explore the relationships between the tradition of the fine art print and the printed page. The connections of printmaking processes to the artist book are considered, and the book is presented as a mode of distribution of artwork. Typography and design, multiplicity and reproduction, and the status of the print as copy are considered as factors in production of printed works. Occupational health and safety instruction relevant to the printmaking studio will be addressed.


1 - Mid-semester assessment - 40% 2 - Final folio examination - 60%


12 hours per week including 4 contact hours plus 8 hours of independent study.