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MGX3831: European Business And Society

Faculty of Business and Economics

European Business And Society

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


European business and society is an intensive three-week unit taught at the Monash Prato Centre in Italy. Theunit incorporates presentations/lectures and organisational visits in Italy which enable you tobetter understand the political, economic and social environment in which business operates. Theunit provides you with an appreciation of the establishment and functioning of the EuropeanUnion (EU), its relationship with member states as well as an awareness of the key debates, issuesand on-going challenges preoccupying Europe. The implications of these challenges in terms ofpolicy and practice for business and society in Europe and beyond, underpin the essence of this unit.


1 - Within semester assessment - 100%


Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled activities. You are expected to complete all pre-class activities prior to your scheduled class, and post-class activities should be completed after your scheduled class. Learning activities may include a combination of teacher directed, peer directed and online engagement activities.