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FIT1052: Digital futures: IT shaping society

Faculty of Information Technology

Digital futures: IT shaping society

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


From online entertainment to paying our bills with smartphones, computers are at the centre of our lives today. How did this change come about, and what has it meant for us as individuals, as well as for society more broadly? Starting with its origins in the world of government, the military and corporations, this unit explores the lasting impression that IT continues to make within the spheres of popular culture, work, politics, the law, and leisure.


1 - Applied Participation - 10% 2 - In Class test - 20% 3 - Assignment 1 - 20% 4 - Assignment 2 - Part 1 - Presentation (Group), Part 2 - Report (Individual) - 50%


Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled online and face to face learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated reading and preparation for scheduled activities.