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DWG2519: Drawing: The Anatomical Specimen

Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture

Drawing: The Anatomical Specimen

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


This unit provides you with the opportunity to explore the relationship between Fine Art practice and anatomy. You will work from anatomical specimens (including prosected cadavers) at the Anatomical Museum and various forms of diagrammatic representation of the body. Through a variety of media and methodologies, you will explore how to make sense of the form and structure of the body, drawing on perceptual, observational and conceptual drawing strategies, as well as contemporary issues regarding the body found in critical theory. The unit will also address the OHS and ethical issues required for study in this area.


1 - Mid-semester folio - 40% 2 - Final folio - 60%


12 hours per week including 4 contact hours plus 8 hours of independent study.