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DGN2500: Design thinking for global challenges

Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture

Design thinking for global challenges

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


Design thinking applies the skills and strategies developed by designers to a wide range of problems and situations. These skills and strategies include a range of conceptual and communication approaches, ways to explore and reconsider the context in which we work, as well as what should or could be achieved. Design thinking brings together some approaches that are known in the sciences and humanities, such as analysis and synthesis, but applies them in ways that are particular to a design approach. Design thinking can enable a more flexible approach to problem solving, and a more creative engagement with the complex issues of our contemporary world. This unit will introduce you to the key skills and practices associated with design thinking, and offer opportunities to explore the application of these basic creativity techniques through a series of projects.


1 - Project - 30% 2 - Project - 30% 3 - Project - 40%


12 hours per week including an average of 3 contact hours plus 9 hours of independent study, or equivalent.