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BEX3311: Entrepreneurial mindsets and capabilities

Faculty of Business and Economics

Entrepreneurial mindsets and capabilities

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


This unit helps you learn to analyse and evaluate criminal conduct in the business world. It will highlight conduct relevant to corporate organisations which may lead to criminal (or other serious penalties) being imposed on corporations and/or individuals. Areas covered may include industrial manslaughter, serious cartel conduct, liability for defective disclosure, liability related to data privacy, and insider trading. It considers the legal and practical difficulties which arise in detecting and prosecuting corporate crime, and uses real-life scandals as case studies to give you practical knowledge that will serve as useful context in your future professional lives.


1 - Within semester assessment - 60% 2 - Examination - 40%


Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Independent study may include associated readings, assessment and preparation for scheduled activities. You are expected to complete all pre-class activities prior to your scheduled class, and post-class activities should be completed after your scheduled class. Learning activities may include a combination of teacher directed, peer directed and online engagement activities. This unit is a practice-based unit comprising of the following learning activities. 4 x 3-week sprints carried out as follows: Week 1: Interactive workshops (3hrs) and online learning modules Week 2: Field research with supporting coaching sessions with Industry Teaching team Week 3: Deep-dive, interactive workshops to consolidate learning Each session will build on previous week's work and on the activities expected of teams in between classes. The unit places students in 'start-up' style teams, and teams are treated like small businesses. It is expected that teams work outside of these sessions to develop their ideas and work through activities prescribed in between sessions, totalling approximately 10-12 hours per week including sessions outlined above. Independent work requirements for teams may include associated readings, assessment, out of class activities and preparation for scheduled sessions.

Global challenges

Our Strategic Plan, Impact 2030, charts the path for how Monash will actively respond to climate change, preserving geopolitical security and fostering thriving communities over the next decade. Read more

This unit covers content related to the following Global Challenges:

Thriving Communities

Sustainable development goals

Adopted by the UN Member States in 2015, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. Read more

This unit covers content related to the following SDGs:

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure