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ATS2184: Intercultural skills for an internationalised workplace

Faculty of Arts

Intercultural skills for an internationalised workplace

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


The unit introduces you to practical and theory-based approaches to understanding applying and performing professional and social intercultural skills. The unit draws together domestic and international students and provides a platform to learn together and from each other. Developing communication and presentation skills for diverse cultural audiences is a key component of this unit. You will participate in a series of interactive learning activates and workshops to better understand the nature of 'culture', the value of intercultural skills, and the strategies to apply these skills. The unit engages with the internationalised workplace in Australian and in international contexts. For assessment, you will submit reviews and reflections and undertake smaller group tasks. The tasks will include a field trip to a culturally significant location (virtual, on-campus, or Melbourne city area).


1 - Recap and Reflect - 5% 2 - Journal x 3 - 30% 3 - Field Trip Presentation - 15% 4 - Cultural Challenge Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 - 50%


Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online engagement.