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ATS1298: Professional writing

Faculty of Arts

Professional writing

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


In the modern workplace, the ability to communicate well in different forms (spoken and written) and contexts (online, face to face, and formal documents) is highly valued. In this unit we will focus on developing effective communication, particularly in written form, in professional situations. The unit is based in practical exercises to develop your abilities as a writer and also an editor of professional standard texts. We will study and produce types of writing and documents that are essential for you to secure professional employment, as well as to thrive in the kind of professional employment you can expect to find as a graduate.The unit will introduce analytical and critical approaches to contemporary communication issues such as changes in literacy practices and the forms and mediums of communication. Through an understanding of professional genres, varied text types, audience, context, and language usage, the unit will help to develop your ability to judge communication expectations in new and changeable environments. We will also study principles of information, gathering, analysis and reporting in professional contexts, and put these into practice through activities, projects and assignments.


1 - Media task - 30% 2 - Media task - 30% 3 - Research task - 40%


Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online engagement.