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ATS1111: Indonesian introductory 1

Faculty of Arts

Indonesian introductory 1

Check the Handbook for the latest unit information.


The unit develops fundamental communication skills required for use in interacting in Indonesian. Students acquire skills in listening, speaking and reading, as well as competency in grammar, language structure and culturally-specific aspects of Indonesian linguistic interaction, especially politeness. Through completion of the Knowing Indonesia Through Research component, students develop research skills while simultaneously increasing familiarity of Indonesian history and politics. Students taking this unit are not expected to have any prior knowledge of Indonesian language or culture.


1 - Multimedia - 10% 2 - Multimedia - 10% 3 - Research task - 20% 4 - Exercise - 10% 5 - Oral test/assessment - 20% 6 - Online test - 30%


Minimum total expected workload to achieve the learning outcomes for this unit is 144 hours per semester typically comprising a mixture of scheduled learning activities and independent study. Scheduled activities may include a combination of teacher directed learning, peer directed learning and online engagement.