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The Accelerator

The Accelerator

For the latest information, check the program website.


The Accelerator is the Generator’s flagship program for early-stage founders to achieve significant and sustainable growth for their startups. Over 5 months, founders will be challenged to develop their entrepreneurial skills while rapidly building and growing their startup or progressing the commercial traction of a research innovation project.

Program details

The program is delivered primarily in person on a weekly basis with some online content to support learning and progress towards program goals. The program culminates in a Showcase event where founders will pitch to a audience from the Monash community and Melbourne startup ecosystem. Sign up to our newsletter to find out more details and dates when they are available.

Program structure

Over 5 months, startup founders and their teams will attend in-person masterclasses, be provided with mentors and challeneged to work on their startup within a supportive and collaborative community.

Benefits of the program

Accelerator founders will receive mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts, access to funding, access to the Generator's co-working space, the opportunity to build their network and join a community of likeminded entrepreneurs in the Monash and Melbourne startup ecosystem.

Eligibility requirements

The Acclerator is open to all Monash students, staff and alumni. The Accelerator has an application process where founders are expected to demonstrated that they have validated their idea and taken steps to build and test an MVP (at minimum), and achieved tractions (highly desirable).