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Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

Access, Inclusion and Success (AIS)

Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

For the latest information, check the program website.


The first weeks of semester are a great opportunity to get to know other students in your units, and learn from senior students who are acing their studies. Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) is an optional, peer-led, unit-based study support program that runs in difficult first-year undergraduate and postgraduate units.

Program details

The PASS program runs in a range of first-year undergraduate or postgraduate units. PASS sessions are facilitated by a friendly senior student, who runs activities based on the previous week’s lectures and their own study experience. As a PASS participant, you gain access to a senior student who has excelled in the unit recently. They have received training to deliver fun activities based on the unit’s content and study skills relevant to the study area. Sessions bring together students from the unit and provide a space to deepen understanding of content while making friends.

Program structure

PASS sessions run from Week 2 until the end of Week 12 in traditionally challenging first-year units. The one-hour sessions are facilitated by a PASS leader who uses a range of activities to promote active and independent learning. It is highly recommended that you join as many sessions as you can and ask questions so you feel more confident with your studies. You can sign-up for PASS sessions in Allocate+ but don’t worry if the sessions appear full. You can attend even if you're not registered in Allocate+.

Benefits of the program

Students who regularly attend PASS are more likely to score a D or HD, and are less likely to fail the unit. Each session provides revision and consolidation while lecture concepts are still fresh in your mind, and provides support for assignments. The notes from PASS are useful for exam revision at the end of semester. The program aims to help you with: - What to learn (unit content) - How to learn (developing study skills) - Keeping you up-to-date and motivated in your studies - Establishing friendships to enrich your student life

Eligibility requirements

To attend PASS sessions you must be currently enrolled in a PASS-supported unit.