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Alumni-To-Student Mentoring

Access, Inclusion and Success (AIS)

Alumni-To-Student Mentoring

For the latest information, check the program website.


This mentoring program matches Monash students with an alumni mentor to help them gain industry knowledge and networks to support their transition to the workforce.

Program details

Through the course of the program, mentors and mentees will hold catch-ups during which they will work together to focus on: - Fostering growth and professional development - Exploring potential career paths and relevant skills - Transitioning to the workplace

Program structure

The program runs over the course of four months and is an online mentoring program.

Benefits of the program

Becoming a mentee gives you a chance to access the extensive global network of Monash alumni and benefit from the experiences and insights they've gained throughout their careers. Connecting with someone who's in the industry and who has been where you are now, is a great way to understand the important steps that you need to take to plan your career with confidence and prepare for your transition to the workforce. As a mentee you can: - Learn from the experience of others - Build your network - Develop the ability to identify and communicate your employability skills - Understand the steps you need to take to achieve your career goal - Receive a digital credential to showcase your mentoring experience - At the end of the program, and once you complete your degree, you'll be invited to join the Alumni to Alumni mentoring program.

Eligibility requirements

- You must be an undergraduate or postgraduate student in your penultimate or final year of study - The time commitment for mentees: - Participate in an online induction event in the first week - Participate in three to four video meetings during the program - Meetings are to be supported by regular contact via the mentoring platform, email or phone. - Attend a final virtual celebration with program participants (where possible)