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International Conference For Undergraduate Research (ICUR)

DVC Education Portfolio

International Conference For Undergraduate Research (ICUR)

For the latest information, check the program website.


The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) is an annual, two-day academic conference that showcases the best in undergraduate research from around the world through our network of participating institutions.Supported by the Monash Warwick Alliance between two leading universities, Monash University and the University of Warwick, ICUR challenges undergraduate students to rethink their work from an international and interdisciplinary perspective. Students examine global, regional, and local trends in their research field, while identifying connections between disciplines. ICUR provides undergraduate researchers with a unique opportunity to present their research in real-time, video-linked sessions. Students from our participating institutions are invited to submit abstracts from March 1st each year. Since it was established in 2013, more than three thousand students from twenty-two institutions have presented at ICUR, without having to leave their own university.

Program details

Our ethos at ICUR is to provide a supportive, yet realistic environment for participants, equipping students with the confidence to attend future academic conferences. Students receive detailed advice on writing an abstract, as well as feedback on their submissions and, when necessary, are given the opportunity to revise and resubmit their work. Presenters are given access to online and in-person training seminars and materials to develop effective and engaging presentations and posters. Sessions at ICUR are recorded so that spoken presentations can be reviewed; giving students time to think critically about their own presentation and delivery.

Program structure

Through ICUR undergraduates have the unique opportunity to experience an international conference without leaving their home campus and they participate in sessions with students at other institutions through the latest in high-definition digital video conferencing technologies. Extensive support is provided throughout the year for all participants, including skills development workshops, mentoring opportunities and the chance to publish their research Reinvention, our international undergraduate research journal, which has published the work of students around the world for over a decade.

Benefits of the program

ICUR provides participating undergraduates with: - Real-world experience in conference presenting and attendance - The opportunity to network with peers around the world without leaving their home institution - A unique and impressive addition to their resumés and CVs - both for further academic study and future careers - The opportunity and support to develop key skills needed for today's competitive global job market

Eligibility requirements

Open to all Monash University students