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Global Intercampus Program (GIP)

Monash Abroad

Global Intercampus Program (GIP)

For the latest information, check the program website.


The Global Intercampus Program (GIP) lets you undertake one or two semesters of study towards your Monash degree at an overseas Monash campus. As you're already a Monash student, spending time studying at another Monash campus is one of the easiest ways to see the world. This is the perfect choice if you are seeking a stimulating overseas experience that will add value to your degree, with the added benefit of Monash funding packages and in-country support services.

Program details

Search through the current Monash Handbook to find all of the units offered at Monash Malaysia. Don't forget to seek faculty advice to determine which units are available to you!

Program structure

While overseas on the exchange, you will 1. remain enrolled at your home Monash campus; 2. pay your normal fees at your home Monash campus; and 3. undertake units that will transfer directly to your home degree and appear on your Monash transcript.

Benefits of the program

Gain credit towards your degree through the Global Intercampus Program. Studying one or two semesters at an overseas Monash campus exposes you to different ways of learning, boost your personal development and prepares you for the global workforce.

Eligibility requirements

Minimum WAM requirement ≥50